VW Jetta – new generation

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    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Volkswagen Jetta

    Na novih vohunskih fotografijah je tokrat volkswagen jetta, ki so ga zakamuflirali tako, da izgleda kot phideon ali arteon. Novinec bo imel svojevrstno obliko, ki bo razkrita decembra.

    Po novem bo maska postavljena nižje, nova pa bosta tudi žarometa in meglenki, poleg tega bo golf posodil platišča in zunanja stranska ogledala. V skladu s tradicijo, bo več prostora tudi zaradi dodatnih centimetrov v dolžino in širino, posledično pa bo večji tudi prtljažni prostor. Avtomobil bo po vsej verjetnosti narejen na platformi MQB, kar je edino logično, drugih podatkov o novincu pa zaenkrat še ni.

    Gotovo bosta pri nas za pogon skrbela 1,0-litrski in 1,5-litrski prisilno polnjen bencinski stroj, poleg dveh dizlov s prostornino 1,6 in 2,0 litra.


    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Spied: The Mk7 Jetta Caught Testing

    Spy photographers have caught the first pictures of the next-generation Jetta testing in the Southwest.

    We learned earlier this year that production of the new Jetta will begin before the end of 2017, but the new car is otherwise shrouded in mystery.

    It has long been predicted that the Mk7 Jetta would resemble the “Midsize Coupe Concept” from the 2014 Beijing Auto Show and it looks like those predictions were right. Although it’s hard to tell just what this new car looks like because of the camouflage, its sloped roofline and wide stance are reminiscent of that concept.

    Predictions also had the next-gen Jetta being based on VW’s hard-working MQB platform, like the Mk7 Golf. That would give this car access to all of the same engines as the Golf. A 2.0-liter turbo is expected to be the most popular engine.


    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Prva skica nove Volkswagnove Jette

    Volkswagnov limuzinski model Jetta, ki ga nemški proizvajalec izdeluje že vse od leta 1979, bo naslednje leto doživel že svojo sedmo reinkarnacijo. Nova Jetta, ki bo slonela na koncernski platformi MQB, bo doživela svetovno premiero na avtomobilskem salonu v Detroitu.

    Še pred dokončnim razkritjem nove Jette meseca januarja na avtomobilskem salonu v Detroitu so pri avtomobilskem proizvajalcu iz Wolfsburga pokazali njeno prvo skico.
    Volkswagnova limuzina je prvenstveno namenjena ameriškemu trgu, kjer išče konkurenco v Toyotini Corolli in Hondinemu Civicu. Po videzu sodeč se bo oblikovno v veliki meri naslanjala na model Arteon, ki sicer predstavlja vrh njihove limuzinske ponudbe.

    O samih tehničnih značilnostih nove Jette zaenkrat še ni podatkov, znano je zgolj to, da bo zasnovana na Volkswagnovi arhitekturi MQB.


    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Volkswagen has yet again revealed tantalizing new details about the Jetta A7, this time at a no-cameras event in Manhattan.

    Having taken the veil off the Jetta, VW revealed that the MQB-based compact sedan will be powered by a 1.4-liter turbocharged engine. That engine is the only one available for the regular lineup, though it might be replaced (the MQB platform, after all, means the Jetta can fit any engine the Atlas can) when the GLI comes around.

    Coming in a familiar range of trim levels, the new Jetta will likely churn out about 150 hp and a little more than 180 lb-ft of torque. That might not blow your socks off, but attached to the 8-speed transmission and powering a car that’s about 40 kg lighter (about 90 lbs) than the one it replaces, it should be good for better fuel economy.

    Unfortunately, the new Jetta’s EPA numbers have yet to be reported, so we’ll have to wait to find out for sure.

    With an optional digital cockpit, an up to 8-inch infotainment screen, ventilated seats up front, and heated seats in the rear, though, it’s sure to also be one of the more luxurious cars in its segment. Despite that, VW is insistent that it won’t be priced as such.

    Chastened by its previous experience in America and interested in continuing the Jetta’s record as the volume marque, VW assured us time and again that the pricing would be competitive in the market. If it’s anything like the Atlas, also advertised as competitive within its class before official numbers were released, then it will still be priced high in its segment, but won’t be the most expensive car in it.

    As for standard equipment, the car will come with aluminum-alloy wheels no matter how much you spend, but your price will determine whether they’re 16- or 17-inches across (the GLI’s will likely be even bigger, but again we won’t know for some time).

    Volkswagen is also fitting LED daytime running lights onto all of its Jettas and you’re likely to get safety features like blind-spot monitoring no matter how much you spend.

    Unlike the Golf and the Beetle, which have Fender audio systems, VW has partnered with Beats for the Jetta. Part of the brand’s bid to position the car as the first choice for hip young folks, app-connect and the wide range of available tech will make this irresistible to millennials, hopes VW.

    Unfortunately, we can’t show just what it will look like since we were asked to hand over our cell phones and cameras before entering the venue, but we can tell you that there are no surprises. You pretty much know what it will look like, but the good news is that the design reads well in person.

    A handsome car that looks a little chunkier than the outgoing model, the new Jetta has what Hinrich Woebcken, CEO of Volkswagen’s North America Region, calls “muscular at the front” and like a “coupe at the back.”

    It does have a Golf-like slash ahead of the front door, where the trim badge nestles, and the DRL design is attractive. I’ll admit to not being totally sold on the new, sharply angled grille quite yet, but overall it looks good, albeit not terribly exciting.

    Inside, meanwhile, there is a palpable sense of improvement in quality. The outgoing Jetta somehow felt ineffably cheaper than the Golf, but there’s no sense of that here. Like the exterior, the interior design is good, if a little dull.

    My only major complaint with the back seats is that the door frame cuts off the line of sight for passengers chopping up the view from the back seat rather unpleasantly.

    The back seats are genuinely comfortable, though, and actually cradle your buns, rather deflecting them like the stiff benches in so many other cars. Folding down in a 40/60 configuration, they open into a cavernous trunk that does hint at where VW is saving money.

    With unhidden springs keeping the trunk lid moving smoothly, the brand was able to save a few bucks on materials, something the North American engineers have been tasked with doing to lower prices low for the customer. It is a little surprising to see a spring just hanging out there at the top of the trunk, but it’s by no means in the way of anything and is entirely out of the way, so it does seem like an intelligent place to save money.

    We’ll have to wait and see if cost savings have affected the car more adversely, though you likely won’t have to worry about reliability either way since VW announced that the Jetta, too, will be available with its 6-year/72,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty.

    Unfortunately, for pricing details, more on the trim levels, and actual photographs of the car, you’ll have to wait until January for the North American International Auto Show in Detroit where the car will make its official public reveal.


    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Nova limuzina za Američane in Kitajce – Volkswagen Jetta

    V Detroitu se je predstavila tudi nova, sedma generacija modela jetta, ki so se mu evropski kupci dokončno odpovedali že leta 2015, ker so jim Nemci takrat v celem letu dostavili samo še 11.000 primerkov.

    Novi ‘Beinahe-Passat’ (‘skoraj-passat’) je od aktualnega passata samo malenkostno krajši (6,5 cm), istočasno pa je tudi 4,3 centimetra daljši od aktualne, šeste generacije modela jetta, ki je v dosedanjih devetintridesetih letih (6 modelnih generacij) prepričal približno 17,5 milijona bolj konservativno usmerjenih kupcev, ki jih še vedno privlači eleganca klasičnih 4-vratnih ‘notchback’ limuzin. Dimenzijska in oblikovalska podobnost z aktualnim passatom, ki je novi jetti prinesla veliko več elegance, je zaslužna tudi za to, da tega avtomobila ne bomo videvali v evropskih prodajnih salonih znamke Volkswagen, ker bi Nemci s tem povzročili ‘kanibalizem’ v lastnih vrstah.

    Edina prava prednost aktualnega passata pred novo jetto je vidna ob razkritju informacije o medosni dolžini. Čeprav lahko nova jetta v tem pogledu potnikom ponudi dodatnih 3,5 centimetra (medosna razdalja: 2686 mm) ima aktualni passat še vedno približno 10,5 centimetra daljšo medosno razdaljo, posledično pa tudi več prostora za potnike in prtljago. Istočasno je nova jetta tudi približno 2 centimetra širša in samo 6 milimetrov višja, predvsem zaradi estetskih in aerodinamičnih razlogov ter želje po vizualni podobnosti s hišno admiralsko 5-vratno kombilimuzino (arteon). Podobno uporabno kot pri vseh jettah pa je izveden tudi prtljažnik nove jette, ki tokrat ponuja 510 litrov prostora za prtljago in tovor.

    Nova jetta bo najprej (prvo četrtletje leta 2018) na voljo kupcem v Mehiki, kjer jo bodo tudi izdelovali, kasneje (drugo četrtletje leta 2018) pa bo na voljo tudi kupcem v ZDA. Osnovo severnoameriško motorizacijo predstavlja znani 1,4-litrski TSI s 110 kW (150 KM) pogonske moči ter 250 Nm motornega navora. Novi 1,5-litrski TSI motor, ki je že na voljo kupcem evropskega golfa, bo Američanom na voljo kasneje. Enaka kot pri predhodniku pa ostaja moč vgrajenega sklopa pri severnoameriški top različici (GLI) modela jetta, ki znaša 144 kW (200 KM). Osnovni bencinski motor bo serijsko spojen s 6-stopenjskim ročnim menjalnikom, jetta SE bo dobila serijski 8-stopenjski samodejni menjalnik, ki bo kupcem slabše opremljenih različic na voljo ob doplačilu.

    Notranjost potniške kabine bo v običajnem primeru opremljena z analognimi kontrolnimi merilniki, ki jih ob doplačilu lahko nadomestijo digitalni števci in merilniki. Ob tem so v nekaterih nemških medijih že zapisali, da je notranjost sicer lično izvedena, vendar jo nekoliko kazijo kosi cenene plastike, ki opazovalca opominjajo, da ne sedi v dobro meščanskem modelu arteon, temveč v ‘kruh & maslo’ (avtomobili, ki proizvajalcu zagotavljajo preživetje …) avtomobilu za navadne smrtnike. Bogata pa bo tudi ponudba danes že običajnih IT ‘igrač in pomočnikov’, čeprav Nemci ob prihodu nove jette ne bodo kaj dosti popravljali prodajnih cen. Za osnovno motorizirano in opremljeno jetto aktualne šeste generacije boste trenutno v ZDA ob nakupu odšteli samo 18.645 (tovarniška prodajna cena brez dajatev) ameriških dolarjev, za top različico GLI pa zahtevajo približno 28.000 ameriških dolarjev.

    Še informacija o globalnem uspehu klasičnih limuzin. Leta 2016 so Nemci v ZDA dostavili približno 121.000 novih primerkov modela jetta. V istem letu so po celem svetu prodali skoraj milijon klasičnih 4-vratnih jett, če pa k temu prištejemo še vse globalne ‘oblikovne križance’ na osnovi tega modela pridemo celo do 1,6 milijona prodanih primerkov. Dober razlog, da pri znamki Volkswagen vztrajajo v segmentu, ki so ga evropski kupci že skoraj odpisali. Na evropskem zahodu pa kljub temu obstaja tudi narod, kjer so limuzine cenili bolj kot kombilimuzine. Govorimo pa o dogajanju na španskem tržišču, ki je nekatere proizvajalce kombilimuzin prisililo v to, da razvijejo tudi limuzinske različice njihovih serijskih modelov.


    Škoda, ker je v Evropi sploh ne bo naprodaj. :? Meni je bila že prejšna generacija zelo všeč in tudi ta nova mi je.

    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!

Za objavo odgovora morate biti prijavljeni.