• Avtor
  • #559

    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    16. April 2002 je Volkswagen v Hamburgu prvič predstavil takrat še kot prototip avto z porabo 1 liter. Vgrajen je imel dizelski motor, avto pa lahko sprejme 2 potnika.

    Leta 2009 pa na avtomobilskem salonu v Frankfurtu predstavijo povsem nov koncept z imenom L1. Karoserija dvosedežnika tehta le 380 kilogramov, poganja pa ga 2-valjni motor TDI v kombinaciji z elektromotorjem. Najvišja hitrost je 160km/h.
    Januarja 2011 Volkswagen na avtomobilskem salonu v Katarju predstavi omenjeni model z imenom XL1 Concept. Nova je oblika in znanih je več podatkov o samem avtomobilu.

    Marca 2012 je bil ujet na testiranjih na severu Evrope.

    Priklopni (plug-in) hibridni sistem temu dvosedežniku omogoča, da izključno z elektromotorjem, torej povsem brez emisij, prevozi do 50 km. S konstrukcijskega vidika upošteva XL1 temeljna načela športnih avtomobilov: majhna masa (795 kg), optimalna aerodinamika (cx 0,189) in nizko težišče (višina 1.153 mm). Učinkovitemu Volkswagnu zadošča že asketskih 6,2 kW (8,4 KM), da po ravni cesti vozi s hitrostjo 100 km/h. Pri pogonu na elektromotor XL1 prevozi več kot kilometer poti že z manj kot 0,1 kWh. Na elektro pogon zmore prevoziti 50 km, medtem ko skupen doseg znaša 500 km.
    Po zaslugi visokotehnološke lahke konstrukcije, popolne aerodinamične zasnove in priklopnega hibridnega sistema – sestavljajo ga 800 kubični dvovaljni motor TDI (35 kW/48 KM), elektromotor (20 kW/27 KM), 7-stopenjski menjalnik z dvojno sklopko (DSG) in litij-ionska baterija – dosega emisijo samo 21 g CO2 na km. Volkswagen XL1 doseže največjo hitrost 160 km/h, za pospešek od 0 do 100 km/h pa potrebuje 12,7 sekunde. Dejstvo je, da porabe 0,9 l/100 km doslej še ni doseglo še nobeno vozilo in da Volkswagen s tem na novo postavlja meje mogočega v avtomobilizmu.
    Konceptualno je XL1 tretja razvojna stopnja Volkswagnove strategije litrskega avtomobila. Sedanji predsednik nadzornega sveta družbe Volkswagen AG, prof. dr. Ferdinand Piëch, je na začetku stoletja oblikoval vizionarski cilj, da bo Volkswagen začel serijsko izdelovati popoln, za vsakodnevno rabo primeren avto s porabo 1,0 litra. Z dvosedežnim XL1 je ta vizija postala resničnost. Kljub izjemni učinkovitosti modela XL1 je karoserija zasnovana tako, da je bistveno bolj prilagojena za vsakodnevne vožnje kot pri obeh prejšnjih prototipih. V litrskem avtomobilu iz leta 2002 in modelu L1 iz leta 2009 sta voznik in sovoznik zaradi boljše aerodinamike sedela drug za drugim, v novem XL1 pa sedita nekoliko zamaknjeno drug ob drugem.
    XL1 v dolžino meri 3.888 mm, v širino 1.665 mm in v višino samo 1.153 mm. Glede na običajne mere osebnih vozil so to ekstremne vrednosti. Za primerjavo: aktualni Polo ima podobno dolžino (3.970 mm) in širino (1.682 mm), a je bistveno višji (1.462 mm). Celo čistokrvni športni avtomobil, kot je aktualni Porsche Boxter, meri v višino 129 m več (1.282 mm). Volkswagen XL1 zato naredi ustrezno spektakularen vtis – avtomobil prihodnosti, izdelan za sedanjost.

    Na lanski avtomobilski salon v Ženevo pripeljejo varčnega XL1, kjer tudi razkrijejo naslednje.
    XL1 bodo izdelovali v tovarni v Osnabrücku, izdelali pa bodo le 250 primerkov. Proizvodnja modela XL1 se bo začela v letu 2013, na trg pa bodo prvi primerki zapeljali v letu 2014. Cena za najbolj varčen in z najmanj CO2 izpusti znaša 111 tisoč evrov.


    Proti koncu leta 2013 pa na kratko predstavi Ferdinand Piech, športno različico varčnega XL1 na posebnem predavanju na Dunajski univerzi. Gre za 1.2-litrski motor s 140 kW/190 KM in 123 Nm navora, ki je povezan z 7-stopenjskim menjalnikom z dvojno sklopko (DSG). Teža vozila naj bi se gibala okoli 750 kilogramov, Volkswagnovi mojstri pa so ga dodatno opremili s številnimi aerodinamičnimi dodatki. A ta za zdaj ostaja zgolj le kot študija.

    Vir in še več zanimivega branja ter slik na spodnji povezavi

    • To temo je spremenil/a bundrbundr 10 years, 7 months nazaj.

    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Volkswagen je na letošnji avtomobilski salon v Ženevi pripeljal tudi XL1.

    vir: Volan

    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    V Nemčiji predali prvega VW-ja XL1, k nam en primerek prihaja septembra

    Futuristični in okolju prijazen XL1 je dobil prvega lastnika. Za ceno 110 tisoč evrov so ga predali kupcu iz Berlina.

    Volkswagen XL1, ki ga poganja hibridni pogon (kombinacija 35 kW TDI motorja in 20 kilovatnega elektromotorja), na 100 prevoženih kilometrov beleži povprečje 0,9 litra, medtem ko je njegov oklep izdelan iz lahkih materialov.

    So pa na nedavni tiskovni konferenci podjetja Porsche Slovenija potrdili, da so za promocijske namene in kasnejšo prodajo, naročili en primerek, ki ga v Slovenijo iz tovarne dobijo septembra.

    vir: avtomanija

    • Ta odgovor je spremenil/a bundrbundr 10 years, 3 months nazaj.

    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Volkswagen načrtuje štirisedežnega XL1

    Britanski mediji poročajo, da Volkswagen pripravlja večjo različico XL1.

    Ultra lahki XL1 bo kmalu dobil štirisedežnega brata, ki bo prav tako imel fascinantno in nepojmljivo porabo goriva, 0,9 litra na 100 kilometrov z emisijami 21 gramov CO2 na kilometer. Naj seveda opomnimo, da ima XL1 tudi 50 kilometrov električnega dosega in skupni doseg 500 kilometrov.

    Medtem ko XL1 tehta 795 kilogramov, bo štirised, ki bo bržkone nosil ime XL2, približno 140 kilogramov težji zaradi dodatnih zadnjih vrat, podaljšane centralne celice, dveh dodatnih sedežev zadaj in nekoliko večje baterije. Zadnja vrata naj bi bila obešena zadaj, 800-kubični dvovaljnik z 48 KM pa bo dobil nekaj več mooči. 27-konjski elektromotor bo prav tako navit na nekaj več moči, da bo lažje zmogel dodatno težo. Performančne vrednosti bodo podobne kot pri XL1, do stotice bo pospešil v dobrih 13 sekundah, končna hitrost pa bo omejena na 160 km/h. XL2 bi lahko luč sveta ugledal že prihodnje leto, saj Volkswagen potrebuje orožje proti Toyoti Mirai, ki bo delovala na gorivne celice. A bolj kot rivalstvo je vprašljiva cena. XL1, če ga slučajno želite imeti, v Nemčiji stane 110 tisoč evrov, računica s še tako nizko porabo pa se tako ali tako nikoli ne izide, vsaj ne v običajni življenjski dobi avtomobila. XL2 pa bo, logično, še nekoliko dražji.

    vir: avtomanija

    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Na letošnji avtomobilski salon so pri Volkswagnu pripeljali tudi XL1…

    Volkswagen pa je poleg običajne različice pripeljal športno različico XL SPORT, kateri je požel veliko zanimanja. Več o njem pa v spodnjem članku.

    Volkswagen’s XL1 set out to create the first 1L consumption vehicle. With ultra-lightweight carbon fiber construction, slippery aerodynamics and a ton of other engineering tricks, the XL1 shows what can be done in the name of economy. So the XL Sport seems to contradict that idea in some ways, yet we don’t care. Powered by a version of the Ducati Panigale Superleggera V-twin, the XL Sport creatively taps into VW Group’s more recent Ducati acquisition. Further, VW changed the XL1’s already futurist shape and gave it a major aggression overall producing a stunning looking sport “economy” car. 500 units will be built but alas none are coming here to the States. All the details follow below in the Volkswagen press release…

    197-horsepower sports car is based on the XL1, has a top speed of 168 mph and promises incredible track performance

    • XL Sport uses the world’s most powerful two-cylinder engine
    • Better aerodynamics than any other sports car
    • Ducati Superleggera V-Twin engine revs to 11,000 rpm
    • Car accelerates from 0 to 62 mph in 5.7 seconds
    • High-tech engine features titanium connecting rods, desmodromic valvegear, and magnesium-alloy components
    • Completely new chassis uses a motorsports-derived features

    Wolfsburg / Paris, October 2014 —There has never been a sports car like the XL Sport concept that is being shown for the first time by Volkswagen at the Paris Motor Show. This is a car that uncompromisingly furthers the development of the lightweight sports car. Based on the XL1, the most fuel-efficient production car of all time, this 168-mph machine is a compelling blend of efficiency and emotion.

    The XL Sport houses one of the finest achievements in engine technology—the V-Twin adapted from the new Ducati 1199 Superleggera, the world’s most powerful two-cylinder motorcycle. Like the XL1, of which only 250 will be built, the Superleggera is also being manufactured in a limited edition of 500 units, using a process that embraces hand fabrication and high-precision industrial manufacturing. The XL1 and the Superleggera, two icons of lightweight carbon and magnesium design technology, thus unite to create a unique sports car. With the XL Sport, Volkswagen and Ducati impressively demonstrate how high-tech developments can lead to synergies between Volkswagen Group brands.

    Pioneering aerodynamics. The Ducati 1199 Superleggera has the best power-to-weight ratio of any production motorcycle in history. In the car world, the XL Sport achieves a similar record—the best ratio between weight (1962 pounds), power (147 kW/197 hp) and aerodynamics (CdA of 0.44 square meters). It’s a combination that allows the car to reach an impressive top speed of 168 mph on just 197 hp.

    The vehicle’s aerodynamics are one key reason the car performs so well. The coefficient of drag (Cd) of 0.258 and the low frontal area of 1.7 sq m combine to give a CdA of 0.44 sq m, one of the best values ever achieved and a major triumph for Volkswagen’s aerodynamicists and designers. The achievement is made all the more impressive due to the fact that the concept’s performance-car design brief demanded wide tires, apertures for cooling air, and optimal downforce.

    There are a number of individual features that contribute to the XL Sport’s arrow-like performance, in addition to the uncompromising styling. These include special vanes that direct the air at the front into specific channels, wheelarch vents, an optimized underbody, lift-reducing air ducts in the hood, an extendable rear spoiler (powered by the same unit as in the Lamborghini Aventador), and adaptive air vents incorporated in the rear hatch.

    The world’s most powerful two-cylinder engine. The Ducati 1199 Superleggera’s V-Twin engine was slightly modified for use in the XL Sport, but is basically the same as the motorcycle’s. Thanks to its tough, lightweight titanium connecting rods, the 1199 cc double-overhead-camshaft engine can rev up to 11,000 rpm. The Superquadro’s high speeds are made possible by its extreme bore/stroke ratio of 112 mm by 60.8 mm and the exceptionally short crankshaft stroke associated with it.

    In addition, the two four-valve cylinders, which are arranged at an angle of 90 degrees to each other, feature desmodromic valve control (positive valve closure) that is typical of the high-revving Ducati engines and requires the finest of precision engineering to ensure optimum valve clearance. Other features of the world’s most powerful two-cylinder engine are the use of magnesium-alloy for the clutch, cylinder head, and oil pan covers, the two throttle valve discs, and the two fuel injectors per cylinder. Last but by no means least, the XL Sport has a newly developed step-down transmission to reduce engine speeds by a factor of 1.86. Torque from the V-Twin engine (99 pound-feet) is transmitted to the rear axle via a seven-speed DSG® dual-clutch automatic transmission. From a standing start, the XL Sport takes 5.7 seconds to reach 62 mph.

    Racing chassis. The significantly redesigned chassis, high-revving engine, and aerodynamic performance firmly plant the XL Sport in the racing realm. The chassis incorporates high-strength steel subframes which house upper and lower control arms at the front with pullrod actuation for the dampers, while the control arms at the back have pushrods—similar to the layout for a racing car. The forged magnesium-alloy wheels, which save 53 pounds compared to aluminum-alloy rims, are fitted with 205/40 R18 front and 265/35 R18 rear high-performance tires. The XL Sport has a powerful ceramic brake disc setup.

    CFRP body. Because the XL Sport is a sister model to the XL1, it shares the same basic design. Like the XL1, the central monocoque and most of the body panels are manufactured in carbonfiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) using the RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) process. The monocoque features slightly offset seats for the driver and passenger.

    The wing doors of the XL1 and XL Sport are reminiscent of a high-end sports car’s. They are hinged at two points: low on the A-pillars and just above the windshield in the roof frame, so they swivel upwards and slightly forwards as well. The doors also extend far into the roof, giving an exceptionally large amount of entry and exit space. In order to keep the weight as low as possible, the windows are made from polycarbonate and are fixed in place: just a segment of the lower area of the side windows can be opened.

    Compelling proportions. Despite sharing its underlying design with the XL1, the XL Sport has a look of its own. The reason for this is that the XL1 was designed for ultimate fuel efficiency, whereas the XL Sport’s design brief included uncompromising driving dynamics. The XL Sport is longer and wider than the XL1 because of the need for additional downforce on a 168-mph car and because of the packaging requirements of the chassis and powertrain. The XL Sport showcased in Paris is 168.9 inches long (versus 153.1 in for the XL1), 72.7 in wide (65.5 in), and 45.4 in mm high (45.4 in). The wheelbase has also been increased to 95.4 in, up from : 87.6 in.

    Design concept. As outlined above, the concept car builds on the dynamic and expressive design of the XL1. The surfaces have an even more muscular appearance as they extend over the significantly broader fenders and the large wheels.

    The XL Sport’s broad front section is marked out by dual LED headlights and the XL1’s signature LED daytime running lights. The XL Sport features air intakes on either side of the headlights for the vanes which feed the air around the car’s front end. In common with the XL1, the front section of the XL Sport does not have a conventional radiator grille, yet it retains the current Volkswagen design DNA, with horizontal lines dominating this area. The cooling air supply for the Ducati engine is via vents in the rear fenders.

    Whereas the XL1 is at its widest at the front and tapers towards the rear, the XL Sport is just as wide at the back as at the front. From above, the shape is that of a classic racing car, with a waisted cockpit area. Air intakes and outlets at the A- and B-posts ensure optimal air flow and cooling for the drive unit. Like the XL1, there are no conventional door mirrors: instead, they are replaced by e-Mirrors, small streamlined cameras integrated in the fenders that send images of the surroundings behind the car to two displays inside the vehicle. In front of the rear wheelarches, the ‘Motore Ducati’ lettering refers to the 1199 Superleggera engine in the rear.

    At the rear, the new XL Sport has four specific eye catching features. First, the extremely wide, flat rear has distinctive “shoulders” above the wheels and an extendable rear spoiler that occupies almost the full width. Second, as with the XL1, there is a coupe-shaped roofline without a rear windshield. The rear hatch that merges into the roofline conceals the Ducati engine, the seven-speed DSG transmission and 3.8 cubic feet of luggage space, and incorporates five louvers that open automatically to cool the drive unit. Third, the iconic red LED ribbon follows the shape of the rear section and is framed at the sides by another, vertical, LED element which serves to emphasize the XL Sport’s width. Fourth, there is a black diffuser that merges almost seamlessly into the completely enclosed underbody and is finished at each side with a chrome exhaust tip.

    Interior design. The interior of the XL Sport is based on the XL1’s, but has been modified and individualized to conform with the change in the vehicle’s mission. For example, the XL Sport boasts a digital instrument cluster that includes a lap timer and oil pressure display. A carbonfiber cowl extends across the top of the instrument cluster to completely eliminate reflections. The XL Sport’s steering wheel has decorative red stitching and has been equipped with aluminum-alloy shift paddles to facilitate ultra-quick gear shifts. There are further classy details to add a sporty touch, with anodized aluminum accents around the air vents, the climate control fascia and the DSG shift gate. The seat belts are red, picking up on the theme of the contrasting red stitching on the steering wheel.


    Ter še nekaj slik iz letošnjega avtomobilskega salona v Parizu

    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!


    administrator foruma
    Vozim: Passat 3BG
    Pridružen/a: 19/12/2013
    Lokacija: Gorenjska
    1709 sporočil

    Prejšni teden v sredo (15.oktober) je bil na ogled postavljen tudi najvarčnejši VW XL1.

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    It’s not just a car, it’s the Volkswagen feeling!

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